Dear Feature Presentation Subscribers,
For the next week and next week only, we are offering our entire catalog of previously-paywalled content for FREE. If you've ever considered becoming a paid subscriber of FP, now's the time to give it a chance and dive into all of the previous work, from The Movie Musical to Summer of '89 to Contemporary Cult to our ongoing Kenneth Branagh adaptation analysis.
You can get it all (again - for just one week!) by clicking on this handy button right here:
We truly appreciate support of all kinds, from paid subscriptions ($4 a month unlocks the Friday features!) to commissioned reviews from our Amazon wishlist to reading, listening, liking, rating, sharing, and subscribing to any of our reviews or podcasts.
We want you to join us, in whatever way that may be.
So, no pressure. But it is free...
Our Kenneth Branagh series will continue next week, more exclusive podcasts are on the way, and another summer retrospective is right around the corner.
Thanks for being here for all of it.